Coalville Community Fun Run 2023

Sunday 4th June 2023

Entry Form


Description automatically generatedLogo, company name

Description automatically generatedCoalville Community

Fun Run 2023

Sunday 4th June 2023

Entry Form


Main Entrant Name:  ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________________________


Age:                   16 or over ¨             Under 1o

Telephone Number:

Email address:



Names of all Entrants (please include main entrant first)


Ticket Type


Entry Number (for office use only)

16 or over

Under 16






































































Number of individual tickets @£5 ____ Number of family tickets @£10: ____


As the main entrant I declare that:


I have made payment for £____ (see next page for payment details)

All entrants listed are medically fit to run and that entry is at entrants own risk. We understand that the organisers cannot be held responsible for any injury or illness incurred during or as a result of the ‘Coalville Community Fun Run 2023’ or for any property lost, stolen or damaged. We agree to abide by the Highway Code, the Country Code and the event rules as displayed at the venue.  I understand that children under the age of 11 years must be accompanied by an adult at all times on the course. There will be no refund if the event is cancelled or in the event of a no show.


Signed (main entrant) ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____________________________


Please return this page (photograph or scan) to

Payment details

Account Name: Coalville Belvoir Rotary Club

Sort Code: 30-90-90

Account Number: 41836760

Reference: Please use reference Fun Run + Surname and initial e.g. FunRun SmithA

Important Information

We encourage runners/walkers to attend the event in their best pyjamas or onesies. Remember this is a family event so all clothing should be appropriate for use in public and for the weather on the day. Appropriate footwear must be worn.

Please note that this event does not have sole use of the footpaths and entrants do not have right of way and must be mindful of other users.

When you enter the ‘Coalville Community Fun Run 2023’ the organisers (Coalville Belvoir Rotary Club) will collect and retain relevant personal data (including contact details). This information will only be used to facilitate your entry into the event, used to communicate event information to you and to facilitate the organisation of the event. The data held by the organisers will be kept for one year after the event.

Please visit our Facebook page for further information about the event.


1. How can I confirm that you have received my registration and it has been processed?

You will receive an email confirming your entry which will be followed at a later date by an email with details of what you have to do on the day. If you do not receive an email within two days of submission, please send an email with your name and address to

2. Can I enter with my child in a pushchair or buggy?

This is very much a family event, and we welcome young children or babies to join in with the aid of a pushchair or buggy. Please bear in mind that parts of the route may be a little bumpy! We would advise that for safety reasons, all entrants with pushchairs/buggies or younger children will be asked to start from the back.

3. Can I enter on the day of the event?

If there is spare capacity then we may consider accepting entries on the day. However, the only way to guarantee your entry in this event is to sign up in advance as once we hit our limit we will close entries.

4. What car parking will be available on the day?

We would recommend that local residents walk to this event where possible. However, car parking facilities are available on-site and are subject to normal parking fees.

5. What Toilet/Changing Facilities will be available?

Toilets and baby changing facilities are available in the Colliery Cafe. Unfortunately, there will be no entrant changing or baggage facilities available so we advise that entrants arrive ready changed in their run/walk outfits.


6. What charities will benefit from the event?

This is a charity event organised by Coalville Belvoir Rotary Club. Net proceeds from this event will go to local charities and good causes as the main beneficiaries. Any remaining profits will go to other charities supported by Rotary. The names of the main charities will be provided prior to the event day.

7. Can spectators come along to the ‘Coalville Community Fun Run 2023’?

Yes, spectators are very welcome. There will also be an opportunity for those wishing to support our charities but who are unable to run, as we will also be accepting donations on the day.

8. There will be a lot of people around, what happens if my child gets detached from me?

Children under 11 cannot run or walk the event alone, they must be accompanied at all times. All of the event marshals will be briefed on our lost child procedure, and we have a dedicated Lost Child Officer based at Event Control near to the Colliery Cafe to deal with any incidents.

9. Will I get a race number and will my time and position be recorded?

No, the ‘Coalville Community Fun Run 2023’ is a fun community event for all the family, not a race, so although numbers will be issued this will be used only as your entry record to the event. No times or positions will be recorded and no prizes given.

10. I would like to support this event and the chosen charities but am unable to run, can I make a donation?

We would be delighted to accept your support! We will be holding a collection at the finish line. You can also make a donation using the payment details above (please use reference ‘Fun Run donation’).

11. Can I raise additional sponsorship to further help support the chosen charities and good causes?

Yes. Please email to request a sponsor form. Your additional support would be hugely appreciated by our supported charities and good causes.



Description automatically generatedLogo, company name

Description automatically generatedCoalville Community

Fun Run 2023

Sunday 4th June 2023

Entry Form


Main Entrant Name:  ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________________________


Age:                   16 or over ¨             Under 1o

Telephone Number:

Email address:



Names of all Entrants (please include main entrant first)


Ticket Type


Entry Number (for office use only)

16 or over

Under 16






































































Number of individual tickets @£5 ____ Number of family tickets @£10: ____


As the main entrant I declare that:


I have made payment for £____ (see next page for payment details)

All entrants listed are medically fit to run and that entry is at entrants own risk. We understand that the organisers cannot be held responsible for any injury or illness incurred during or as a result of the ‘Coalville Community Fun Run 2023’ or for any property lost, stolen or damaged. We agree to abide by the Highway Code, the Country Code and the event rules as displayed at the venue.  I understand that children under the age of 11 years must be accompanied by an adult at all times on the course. There will be no refund if the event is cancelled or in the event of a no show.


Signed (main entrant) ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____________________________


Please return this page (photograph or scan) to

Payment details

Account Name: Coalville Belvoir Rotary Club

Sort Code: 30-90-90

Account Number: 41836760

Reference: Please use reference Fun Run + Surname and initial e.g. FunRun SmithA

Important Information

We encourage runners/walkers to attend the event in their best pyjamas or onesies. Remember this is a family event so all clothing should be appropriate for use in public and for the weather on the day. Appropriate footwear must be worn.

Please note that this event does not have sole use of the footpaths and entrants do not have right of way and must be mindful of other users.

When you enter the ‘Coalville Community Fun Run 2023’ the organisers (Coalville Belvoir Rotary Club) will collect and retain relevant personal data (including contact details). This information will only be used to facilitate your entry into the event, used to communicate event information to you and to facilitate the organisation of the event. The data held by the organisers will be kept for one year after the event.

Please visit our Facebook page for further information about the event.


1. How can I confirm that you have received my registration and it has been processed?

You will receive an email confirming your entry which will be followed at a later date by an email with details of what you have to do on the day. If you do not receive an email within two days of submission, please send an email with your name and address to

2. Can I enter with my child in a pushchair or buggy?

This is very much a family event, and we welcome young children or babies to join in with the aid of a pushchair or buggy. Please bear in mind that parts of the route may be a little bumpy! We would advise that for safety reasons, all entrants with pushchairs/buggies or younger children will be asked to start from the back.

3. Can I enter on the day of the event?

If there is spare capacity then we may consider accepting entries on the day. However, the only way to guarantee your entry in this event is to sign up in advance as once we hit our limit we will close entries.

4. What car parking will be available on the day?

We would recommend that local residents walk to this event where possible. However, car parking facilities are available on-site and are subject to normal parking fees.

5. What Toilet/Changing Facilities will be available?

Toilets and baby changing facilities are available in the Colliery Cafe. Unfortunately, there will be no entrant changing or baggage facilities available so we advise that entrants arrive ready changed in their run/walk outfits.


6. What charities will benefit from the event?

This is a charity event organised by Coalville Belvoir Rotary Club. Net proceeds from this event will go to local charities and good causes as the main beneficiaries. Any remaining profits will go to other charities supported by Rotary. The names of the main charities will be provided prior to the event day.

7. Can spectators come along to the ‘Coalville Community Fun Run 2023’?

Yes, spectators are very welcome. There will also be an opportunity for those wishing to support our charities but who are unable to run, as we will also be accepting donations on the day.

8. There will be a lot of people around, what happens if my child gets detached from me?

Children under 11 cannot run or walk the event alone, they must be accompanied at all times. All of the event marshals will be briefed on our lost child procedure, and we have a dedicated Lost Child Officer based at Event Control near to the Colliery Cafe to deal with any incidents.

9. Will I get a race number and will my time and position be recorded?

No, the ‘Coalville Community Fun Run 2023’ is a fun community event for all the family, not a race, so although numbers will be issued this will be used only as your entry record to the event. No times or positions will be recorded and no prizes given.

10. I would like to support this event and the chosen charities but am unable to run, can I make a donation?

We would be delighted to accept your support! We will be holding a collection at the finish line. You can also make a donation using the payment details above (please use reference ‘Fun Run donation’).

11. Can I raise additional sponsorship to further help support the chosen charities and good causes?

Yes. Please email to request a sponsor form. Your additional support would be hugely appreciated by our supported charities and good causes.




Payment details

Account Name: Coalville Belvoir Rotary Club

Sort Code: 30-90-90

Account Number: 41836760

Reference: Please use reference Fun Run + Surname and initial e.g. FunRun SmithA

Important Information

We encourage runners/walkers to attend the event in their best pyjamas or onesies. Remember this is a family event so all clothing should be appropriate for use in public and for the weather on the day. Appropriate footwear must be worn.

Please note that this event does not have sole use of the footpaths and entrants do not have right of way and must be mindful of other users.

When you enter the ‘Coalville Community Fun Run 2023’ the organisers (Coalville Belvoir Rotary Club) will collect and retain relevant personal data (including contact details). This information will only be used to facilitate your entry into the event, used to communicate event information to you and to facilitate the organisation of the event. The data held by the organisers will be kept for one year after the event.

Please visit our Facebook page for further information about the event.


  1. How can I confirm that you have received my registration and it has been processed?

You will receive an email confirming your entry which will be followed at a later date by an email with details of what you have to do on the day. If you do not receive an email within two days of submission, please send an email with your name and address to

  1. Can I enter with my child in a pushchair or buggy?

This is very much a family event, and we welcome young children or babies to join in with the aid of a pushchair or buggy. Please bear in mind that parts of the route may be a little bumpy! We would advise that for safety reasons, all entrants with pushchairs/buggies or younger children will be asked to start from the back.

  1. Can I enter on the day of the event?

If there is spare capacity then we may consider accepting entries on the day. However, the only way to guarantee your entry in this event is to sign up in advance as once we hit our limit we will close entries.

  1. What car parking will be available on the day?

We would recommend that local residents walk to this event where possible. However, car parking facilities are available on-site and are subject to normal parking fees.

  1. What Toilet/Changing Facilities will be available?

Toilets and baby changing facilities are available in the Colliery Cafe. Unfortunately, there will be no entrant changing or baggage facilities available so we advise that entrants arrive ready changed in their run/walk outfits.


  1. What charities will benefit from the event?

This is a charity event organised by Coalville Belvoir Rotary Club. Net proceeds from this event will go to local charities and good causes as the main beneficiaries. Any remaining profits will go to other charities supported by Rotary. The names of the main charities will be provided prior to the event day.

  1. Can spectators come along to the ‘Coalville Community Fun Run 2023’?

Yes, spectators are very welcome. There will also be an opportunity for those wishing to support our charities but who are unable to run, as we will also be accepting donations on the day.

  1. There will be a lot of people around, what happens if my child gets detached from me?

Children under 11 cannot run or walk the event alone, they must be accompanied at all times. All of the event marshals will be briefed on our lost child procedure, and we have a dedicated Lost Child Officer based at Event Control near to the Colliery Cafe to deal with any incidents.

  1. Will I get a race number and will my time and position be recorded?

No, the ‘Coalville Community Fun Run 2023’ is a fun community event for all the family, not a race, so although numbers will be issued this will be used only as your entry record to the event. No times or positions will be recorded and no prizes given.

  1. I would like to support this event and the chosen charities but am unable to run, can I make a donation?

We would be delighted to accept your support! We will be holding a collection at the finish line. You can also make a donation using the payment details above (please use reference ‘Fun Run donation’).

  1. Can I raise additional sponsorship to further help support the chosen charities and good causes?

Yes. Please email to request a sponsor form. Your additional support would be hugely appreciated by our supported charities and good causes.